How to Create a Single File Upload (Single File Upload)

Login to the system and go to your course.
In course Enable "Editing mode"

Press "Add an activity or resource" in any Topic:

In new window choose "Assignment"

A window will open:

Assignment name - give a name;
Description - describe (e.g. upload files here, etc.) (Optional);
If you'll check "Display description on course page" - students will see your description on min course page. (Optional);
If needed you can add  instruction in "Activity instructions" block;
In "Additional files" block you can upload any files student will need during Assignment. (Works Drag and drop function);
If you'll check "Only show files during submission" - your added files students will be able to download only after Assignment start date;

Allow submissions from - specify the time from which the upload will be valid. If you specify dates, don't forget to check the option "Enable";
Due date - specify the date until which the upload is valid;
Cut-off date - after this date student will not be able to upload any files. If there is gap between "Due date" and "Cut-off date" student will be able to upload their files but will see delay time.
Remind me to grade by - you can enable it to get a remainder email about this Assignment;
If enabled "Always show description" - student will see on main course window under Assignment: "Allow submissions from" and "Due date" dates.

"Submission types"
You can choose submission: Only file submissions, Online text or both:
Only file - will allow student to upload any type of files;
Online text - will open text window for students, where they will be able to writ any text;
If you enable "File submission":
Maximum number of uploaded files - choose number of max number of files for each student;
Maximum submission size - By default it's 1 GB per file but you can choose smaller size;
If needed you can choose which types of files students have to upload;
If you enable "Online text" you can limit the words in text.

Save and return to course - Will save your work and return to main course window.

Save and display - Will save your work and open Submission window.

After creating an Assignment, you will see how many uploaded works there are (in the beginning there will be none):

You can later download the uploaded files either one by one or all archived in zip format. "View all submissions"
