Create the breakout rooms

Create the breakout rooms

  1. Click on the breakout rooms icon (two inset squares). It may take a few moments for the icon to appear after joining a room.

  2. Choose how many rooms you'd like to create. A maximum of 50 breakout rooms can be created in one session.
  3. Choose whether you'd like to randomly assign your participants to groups, or if you would like to choose which group they're assigned to.
  4. Click create rooms

5. The groups remain closed until you manually open them. This allows you to have the groups set up at the start of the meeting and open them when ready during the session. You can only assign people to the groups once the meeting has started.

Note: This is the only time you can choose to assign students automatically to rooms. You won't be able to choose this option later.

Add another breakout room

Once you've set up your breakout rooms, it's possible to add further rooms if needed. Within in the breakout room window, choose Add room.

The new breakout room will appear at the bottom of the list:

Delete a breakout room

Click on the ellipsis to the right of the breakout room name and choose Delete room

Rename breakout rooms

Once you've created your breakout rooms, they are assigned default titles (Room 1, Room 2 etc). Renaming isn't essential, but you might find appropriate rooms names provides some additional context to your session.

  1. Hover over the room name and the Closed label will become an ellipsis (***). Click on the ellipsis and choose Rename. Enter the new name for your breakout room and click Rename Room.

Recreate rooms 

The recreate rooms option allows you to return to the beginning of the breakout rooms process and start from scratch.

Choosing Recreate rooms will delete your existing rooms and create new ones.

  1. Select More options More options button and Recreate rooms.
  2. Follow the steps to create new breakout rooms and assign students accordingly.